
June 30, 2022

CPS Energy is committed to decarbonizing our operations and transitioning to cleaner energy to ensure climate resiliency. In respect to today’s Supreme Court ruling, we are reviewing the ruling and its potential impacts. The City of San Antonio has set climate goals for our community through its Climate Action & Adaptation Plan (CAAP) adopted in 2019, and we at CPS Energy are continuing to work to meet our community’s expectations to achieve the CAAP’s objectives.

Key Recent Actions at CPS Energy:

  • CPS Energy closed its oldest coal units in 2018, and publicly released a Flexible Path Resource Plan, which details future closures of aging natural gas units and options for closing the final two remaining coal units.
  • To decrease emissions further, we are reviewing submissions from a global request for proposals to add up to 900 megawatts (MW) of solar energy, 50 MW of battery storage and 500 MW of firming capacity. The addition of these renewable sources will further strengthen CPS Energy’s positions as the largest producer of solar energy in the state and a leader in wind production with our current combined generation of 1,600 MW of wind and solar energy.
  • In late May 2022, CPS Energy reached an agreement with Consolidated Edison Development, Inc., a subsidiary of Con Edison Clean Energy Businesses, Inc., for a 300 megawatt (MW) solar project as the first part of its FlexPOWER BundleSM initiative. The selection marks one-third of the utility’s goal of adding up to 900 MW of clean, sustainable energy to its power generation mix, and will further strengthen San Antonio’s national top five Solar Superstar ranking.
  • We continue to partner with new technology partners. CPS Energy and Quidnet Energy recently announced a landmark agreement to pilot a long-duration energy storage project.
  • We are doing our part to reduce vehicle emissions by adopting electric vehicles (EV) in our fleet and supporting the community’s adoption of EVs through a network of public charging stations in our service area and an EV website that helps individuals as they make the decision to go electric.
  • Discussions are currently underway with our Rate Advisory Committee (RAC) on our generation planning. As CPS Energy remains committed to providing reliable and affordable power, the RAC will make a recommendation for the Board of Trustees to consider.
  • These efforts align with our Board’s commitment to the city’s Climate Action & Adaptation Plan (CAAP), which includes a resolution to support the CAAP’s goal to become carbon neutral by 2050, and the interim targets of reducing greenhouse gas emissions 41% from 2016 levels and 71% by 2040. The steps we’re taking in our stewardship are captured in our Environmental Sustainability, Community Impact & Financial Highlights Report here.


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